Posts in philosophy
When is it Art?

AND, sometimes it's Not Art If Everybody Likes It!

There seems to be a very fine line defining ART. I don't mean the distinction between art and craft.

There is art, "fine art", "suitcase art", representational art, abstract art, inspirational art, contemporary art, renaissance art, primitive art, -- it's ALL ART!

There is no a "one-size-fits-all" definition for art. Art is a form of human expression and we are at the same time all so similar to AND all so very different from one another. Thank Goodness!

Uncluttering My Studio by Patrice Federspiel

The Unclutter Your Life class that I took with Marilyn Nagelhas been over for about two weeks. I miss it. I miss the structured support of having someone remind me to toss something out, give something away, and donate something to an organization every week.

Actually I'm still doing that part; that's the easy part. The hard part for me is controlling all of the paper in my life!

I've learned quite a lot and highly recommend Marilyn's class to you. We worked with my friend Marcia Zina Mager'sbook, 31 Words to Create an Organized Life (which I also recommend). Turns out Clutter has SO much more to do with our inner self than it does our outer circumstances (I suspect you already knew that).

The speed with which I can organize myself, my studio, and my life is a direct reflection of my ability to make decisions. Yikes! I must get better at that too!

My studio and my business are both so full right now, that it's been hard to keep up with all the habits and tips and tricks I learned in class — but I am not giving up. I am taking a stand! I refuse to clear off my tables only to turn around and continue to pile the papers back on top! (No, I haven't yet completely cleared them in the first place, but I KNOW I WILL!)

The Cul De Sac cartoons byRichard Thompsonthat I have posted really tickle me, as his work often does. I hope you enjoy them too.

Heliconia Painting inspires Memories in Charlie

Last week I posted a heliconia painting in my eZine and asked readers to help me out with a title; more on the title next week. For now, I would like to share some memories from one of my students, Charlie Young. Charlie has been taking my watercolor class at Kaimuki for three semesters and has been making great strides in his technique and use of color. Go Charlie! Here is the painting and the thoughts he shared:

"Your floral painting triggered memories of when I was a kid running around the mountains here. I remember the bright flowers and plants among the tall trees, and hanging vines surrounding my many hikes with the guys on our "secret" trails; and swimming bare ass in the many cold streams in Nu`uanu and Manoa valleys.  

My mother was always afraid I would fall off trees or drown, so she always reminded me not to climb those tall trees for unreachable mangoes or swim in those dangerous streams. Whenever she asked, I told her “no” never did. Years later, my daughter told me that me mother laughingly always knew I did all those things with my pals because my hair would still be damp and my clothes muddy and soiled.

Before taking your watercolor classes and others. I ways intrigued with the thoughts of the artist behind their works.  I always wondered what their minds were processing as they painted, hour after hour.

For me, in the short time I have started in this field of art, painting and ceramics, I find my structured thoughts and rationale coming to a standstill, having almost no thoughts at times, and finding some kind of “feelings” coming into play; at times intermingled with some kind of vague memories about childhood. It’s almost primordial in a sense, many times triggering faint memories of my 2nd grade classes when the kind teacher put aprons on us, gave us paint brushes and paint, and patiently watched us children slosh paint all over the place, on the floor, walls, etc.

So far, that's what I am getting when I paint. I feel like a kid again.

Thanks for your guidance in this area."

You are MOST Welcome Charlie!!! Thank YOU for sharing your memories of times gone by.

On Being Married

This photo was taken on October 7th, right after our wedding ceremony on the bluff overlooking Lake Michigan.  We both grew up near "big water", so perhaps it is not that surprising to find us living in Hawai`i, a land surrounded by the deepest ocean on earth. 

People have asked if being married feels any different. Honestly? No, not to me; and that feels SO good to me! It means we made a decision in alignment with who we are, both individually, and as a couple. Phew!

We are both SO happy!