Posts tagged Dilbert Cartoon
When is it Art?

AND, sometimes it's Not Art If Everybody Likes It!

There seems to be a very fine line defining ART. I don't mean the distinction between art and craft.

There is art, "fine art", "suitcase art", representational art, abstract art, inspirational art, contemporary art, renaissance art, primitive art, -- it's ALL ART!

There is no a "one-size-fits-all" definition for art. Art is a form of human expression and we are at the same time all so similar to AND all so very different from one another. Thank Goodness!

Yes, it is Permanent!

First I must thank Scott Adams for the cartoon he published earlier this month. Brilliant! I am a sucker for cartoons pertaining to all things art/artist/creativity related. Humor, like creativity, is essential to life.

Whenever we feel the calling to create, we must answer. Sometimes we don't respond to it with pen and ink or paint and brush. Sometimes we use yarn and needles or sugar and spice. No matter, answer we must.

Creativity is a calling, an urge, and a muse that must be followed. It is the mystery and magic of life itself, the substance of spirit flowing through our lives ... sometimes even at four in the morning :-)